Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year...

...A New Beginning!

No, I'm not talking about giving something up, losing weight or working out more. (Although, the latter is on my to-do list, as always... I mean, I do need to be a stunning bride come November 18th! Lucky for my groom, he's already stunning handsome enough... Men have it so easy!) Ok, I digress... This year I have made a resolution to complete everything I start. In the past, I have been known for making plans, and canceling last minute. Or promising something, and then not following through. I do not want to be that girl anymore! So, here's to 2011 and not being an inconsiderate, unreliable person... (Ok, maybe that was a bit too dramatic, but you get the point.)

Aside from that, Adam and I do have a couple personal resolutions that we would like to work on this year. You know, serious stuff... stuff that will really effect society... I kid, I kid! :) Just a few, "better at this..." or "don't worry so much about that..." kind of things.

I think 2011 is going to be a great year! How about you?
What are your resolution(s)? Do share!

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