Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Wonderland!

A white Christmas is something that I've always wanted to see. Unfortunately, the past 24 years of my life I haven't been so lucky. Well, I guess maybe when I was a youngster and we lived in NJ there was snow on December 25th? (Mom, could you help me out with that?) Nonetheless, three weeks ago when we were in Jacksonville, wearing t-shirts while opening presents, Atlanta experienced a beautiful, white Christmas. From what I was told, it was just enough before it was annoying. Lovely, right? Well, I may not have gotten my white Christmas, but I definitely got more than I bargained for... A Snow Day Week!

This was outside of our patio Sunday night... when the snow had just begun!

Today was day 4 of sitting in the house. This is how our week has looked thus far:

Day 1: Adam attempted to drive into work (even though the entire city was shut-down and Georgia was under a State of Emergency). Yeah, he didn't really make it past the first stop sign. He was back home before the sun came up and we were thrilled that we were going to experience a real snow day! After about 30 minutes of sitting around, though, we looked at each other like what-the-heck-are-we-going-to-do-all-day-when-everything-is-shut-down-and-we-cannot-drive?! We... well, more like I played in the snow with Millie, while he enjoyed the view. There were about 20 people outside with their dogs, so we made some new friends. A little late, considering we're moving in 2 months, but oh well... Then we decided to meet Adam's brother, Ryan, at a nearby bar. (Back story: we live in a neat little neighborhood that has about 8 bars/restaurants within walking distance. So, no, we did not walk 3 miles to get a few drinks... Although, that may not have stopped us!) The only two bars that were opened, were packed! They were short-staffed (obviously), but definitely not short on drinks. Marla was a total lame-o that day and decided not to meet us. (Just kidding, future SIL- you know I love ya!)

On our way out, we passed this hill that had about 50 people sledding down. They were using all types of sleds too... You know, garbage can lids, recycling bins, snow boards, etc. Apparently not many people own real sleds in Atlanta.

Day 2: Back to a bar. And no, I'm not kidding. I told you there isn't much to do when a city is shut-down! This time I didn't drink... because 20 points for a few beers is not in the cards two days in a row! (My fellow WW girls know what I'm talking about. But if you're totally lost right now... it's ok, you're probably not alone.)
Edit: Marla did join us this time, as well as two of our other friends! Sorry, Marla... Again, the love is still there! ;)

Day 3: I was actually very productive! I cleaned out my half of the closet and am giving a bag full of clothes away. I also put my summer stuff in a drawer and hung up my winter stuff (a little late, I know), I cleaned the bathroom and also did some laundry. Sounds minor, but for a typical Wednesday, that would not have happened!

Day 4: Today consisted of organizing wedding addresses and looking up places for the bachelorette weekend! A lot of sitting around in my pjs also happened. :)

Millie was a good sport through it all, too.

So, tomorrow will be day five of this snow storm. I mean, if we didn't get freezing rain, we wouldn't be stuck at home. Some roads are still way too icy to drive on. I'm definitely enjoying my days at home, but I must admit I miss my lil' dudes at work. :)

Til next time...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

Warning: This, most likely, will not be a regular thing. :) But the title fit, so I went with it...

(Again, terrible Blackberry picture, but...)

Millie sure does love her daddy!
She was just hangin' out, lickin' his head... Ya know, no big deal. :)

How was everyone's weekend?

Rumor has it that we're supposed to get about 5" of snow tonight and into tomorrow. At some point it is going to turn into rain/ice. The Weather Channel is calling it a Wintry Mix. Sounds magical! Ha! :) I'm just excited to see snow again! I went to Target yesterday (which also has a Kroger in the same parking lot) and it was crazy! You would think that we're going to be stuck in our houses for WEEKS. Come on, people... No need to freak out. :)

I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully) with some pictures of the Millster playing in the snow. Let's hope it sticks to the ground!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wedding List

Here's my all-things-wedding to-do list (in no particular order):

Food and Drink Options
My Dress
Bridesmaid Dresses
Rehearsal Dinner Location
Marriage License
Honeymoon (TBA) :)

It's amazing how many things you have to take into account when planning a wedding. Don't get me wrong, though, I am loving every minute of the chaos that surrounds me! I think we're doing pretty good as far as that checklist goes. The next few things that I will be working on are: hotel accommodations, rehearsal dinner location and finding our band/dj. Thank goodness for the internet! Otherwise, Delta would be making lots of money off of me flying to Jacksonville about twice a month. :)

For all of you brides/already married gals, anything major that I am missing? I feel like I have a pretty good handle on everything, but I'm sure there is one thing that has completely slipped my mind. :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year...

...A New Beginning!

No, I'm not talking about giving something up, losing weight or working out more. (Although, the latter is on my to-do list, as always... I mean, I do need to be a stunning bride come November 18th! Lucky for my groom, he's already stunning handsome enough... Men have it so easy!) Ok, I digress... This year I have made a resolution to complete everything I start. In the past, I have been known for making plans, and canceling last minute. Or promising something, and then not following through. I do not want to be that girl anymore! So, here's to 2011 and not being an inconsiderate, unreliable person... (Ok, maybe that was a bit too dramatic, but you get the point.)

Aside from that, Adam and I do have a couple personal resolutions that we would like to work on this year. You know, serious stuff... stuff that will really effect society... I kid, I kid! :) Just a few, "better at this..." or "don't worry so much about that..." kind of things.

I think 2011 is going to be a great year! How about you?
What are your resolution(s)? Do share!