Friday, May 27, 2011

Car rides make me nauseous...

...Too much information? Sorry... It's just that me and reading, looking at magazines, writing a blog, etc. in the car just don't get along. I am telling you this because I am writing a blog from the the passanger seat while Adam is driving (isn't technology incredible?). It's taken me 2.5 hours, which is our halfway point to Jax, to grow the courage to finish typing this. Maybe I didn't really grow courage... It's probably more the 10 minute power nap and the diet coke that is making me feel all risky and stuff.

Anyway, this blog is going to be short and sweet. Minus pictures and all. Because as cool as the latest technology is, I still can't upload pictures from this neat little device. I'm just here because I can actually write more than one blog in a week! I am virtually high-fiving you, by the way. :)

So, what's on the agenda for everyone's long weekend? Ours is full of friends, family and wedding planning! Speaking of, it's becoming more and more real to us that we will be husband and wife in just a little more than five months. Pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.

I guess I'm going to leave it at that. My "yeah" and "uh huh" to everything Adam says is not getting me very far. What?! You try typing one thing and listening to someone talk about something else!

Thanks for reading... If you're still here, that is.

Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Every single day, even multiple times a day, I think of blogs to write. Sometimes I jot down a few words to remember what I wanted to say. Sometimes I text myself so I don't forget what I wanted to write. I do this all. the. time. Yet, I don't have time to sit down and write one decent blog daily. What gives? Needless to say, I have lots of saved drafts in my mailbox that I do plan on writing. At some point.

I do have one quick little update: That adorable house that Adam and I are living in? Yeah... We won't be living in it much longer. We've officially broken our lease for more than one reason, but the main one is bugs. Yes, you read that right. I guess that goes along with the whole house-hasn't-been-updated-since-it-was-built-in-1947-thing. Eh, lesson learned. It's gross, though, and we have a landlord that won't fix it, so we're taking our happy little family elsewhere. :) So, when we're ready to have some babies (in like 8 years, don't get any ideas), we'll look at houses again. Houses that we're willing to buy.

Thanks to the neat little stats tab, I do know that people (!!!) are checking regularly. Thank you! If I could have a dream job, it would be writing. I love everything about it. Except that my current schedule doesn't allow for it. I'm really trying to work on that...

And since every blog post needs a picture...

I don't know about all of you, but I am ready for summer. My poor skin needs a tan. A healthy one, of course! Make sure you're using that spf!